Stage1 V8 Gallery:DMB902X


DMB902X (2)

DMB902X (2)
DMB902X (1)

"164" writes:
Cheshire originally had eight of these Land Rovers (DMB 901X to 908X) allocated to Retained Stations as secondary pumping Appliances; the last being withdrawn from service in late 2010. This vehicle was withdrawn in February 2009 after more than 27 year's continuous service at Sandbach Fire Station as a front line Appliance and more recently allocated to the Station's Fire Cadet Unit.
It's unclear how many Stage Ones were adapted as Fire Appliances, but it's believed that only these eight Station Wagons were so equipped, all of which were supplied by Jennings of Crewe. Seven are known to survive; two are overseas and only four continue to be equipped as Fire Appliances. Two vehicles remain in Cheshire's livery; mine with "Cheshire Fire Cadet" lettering and one other, operated by Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service's Heritage Society, which carries period "Cheshire Fire Brigade" signage.

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