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My turning circle is hugely uneven!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:46 pm
by Zirynx
No, not mine... my Landy's!

After becoming suspicious, I took myself off to Homebase's empty car park this evening and, what I found is, from dead straight:

1) turning right (clockwise) I get two full turns of the steering wheel, before I can turn no more.

2) turning left (anti-clockwise) I get three and a quarter turns of the steering wheel before I can turn no more.

Now, these values aren't even remotely similar, so I'm guessing something is quite wrong.

Not being at all familiar with these vehicles (yet, but I'm reading the Haynes manual fast!) what would be your best guesses as to why this would be?

Track rod end mis-adjustment? Or are there steering end stops which are out of adjustment?

Thanks all in advance.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:51 am
by stirlsilver
The way to fix this is set the wheels straight, then remove the lower arm of the steering relay at the front of the car. It's just a bolt and the arm slips onto the spline. Once you have this removed, hop in the cab and position the steering wheel to the point where it is centered (even number of turns either way). Once you have done this refit the relay arm back onto the relay and you should have an event turning circle again.

Not sure what has caused it, either your steering arm from the relay down to the wheel is bent or land rover makes the cars this way so they can turn harder one way than the other!!! :P Doesn't make sense to me... but maybe it did back then?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:59 pm
by Zirynx
Hey Stirling,

Thanks a lot for that info! I'll endeavour to get underneath and have a good look around (re: possible bent linkages etc) and reset the steering to be 'central'.

